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1. Mahamudra cannot be taught, Naropa, But your devotion to your teacher and the hardships you’ve met Have made you patient in suffering and also wise: Take this to heart, my worthy student. 2. For instance, consider space: what depends on what? Likewise, mahamudra: it doesn’t depend on anything. Don’t control. Let go and rest naturally. Let what binds you let go and freedom is not in doubt. 3. When you look into space, seeing stops. Likewise, when mind looks at mind, The flow of thinking stops and you come to the deepest awakening. 4. Mists rise from the earth and vanish into space. They go nowhere, nor do they stay. Likewise, though thoughts arise, Whenever you see your mind, the clouds of thinking clear. 5. Space is beyond color or shape. It doesn’t take on color, black or white: it doesn’t change. Likewise, your mind, in essence, is beyond color or shape. It does not change because you do good or evil. 6. The darkness of a thousand eons cannot dim The brilliant radiance that is the essence of the sun. Likewise, eons of samsara cannot dim The sheer clarity that is the essence of your mind. 7. Although you say space is empty, You can’t say that space is “like this”. Likewise, although mind is said to be sheer clarity, There is nothing there: you can’t say “it’s like this”. 8. Thus, the nature of mind is inherently like space: It includes everything you experience. 9. Stop all physical activity: sit naturally at ease. Do not talk or speak: let sound be empty, like an echo. Do not think about anything: look at experience beyond thought.