viewing version : 2 (latest)
version created 1 day ago by Anonymous
last viewed 2 hours ago
hard shutdown (like improper shutdown of a computer) after a heavy meal leads to a sleep which is not deep and restful. Such a sleep is really a form of sedation and unawareness.
Isn't there a sleep where awareness continues without a hard shutdown - smoothly, to deep restful sleep?
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Anonymous | 1 day ago | No.188
Isn't deep sleep a more true state than being conscious? After all, there is no consciousness in deep sleep, but there can be found unconsciousness - deep sleep - in the conscious state.
Anonymous | 1 day ago | No.190
deep sleep is the blank canvas on which consciousness flowers? When you mean it can be present in conscious state, it is a state of empty blank canvas potential to be or not be anything?
Anonymous | 1 day ago | No.193
No. When it is said that deep sleep is present in the conscious state it's meant that between one perception (which may be cognition of thought or any experience of the senses) and another there is complete non-perception just like deep sleep.
Anonymous | 1 day ago | No.194
yes, and it seems restful too. If I am always thinking or lost in indulgence of senses - the relaxed awareness is polluted by those sensory experiences.