version : 14 (latest)
version created 22 days ago by Anonymous
last viewed 21 hours ago
the more you chew, the more chewable it gets
/infinite_surface_areaViktor Schauberger quote from his writings in Implosion Magazine, No.67, he discusses his process:
I could sit for hours on end and watch the water flowing by without ever becoming tired or bored. At the time I was still unaware that in water lay hidden the greatest secret. Nor did I know that water was the carrier of life or the ur-source of what we call consciousness. Without any preconceptions, I simply let my gaze fall on the water as it flowed past. Only years later did I come to realize that running water attracts our consciousness like a magnet and draws a small part of it along in its wake. It is a force that can act so powerfully that one temporarily loses consciousness and involuntarily falls asleep. Gradually I began… surrendering my free consciousness and allowing the water to take possession of it for a while. Little by little… I realized that one could detach one’s own consciousness from the body and attach it to that of the water. …The water’s most deeply concealed psyche often revealed the most extraordinary things to me.
(water has infinite surface area)
"The affairs of the world will go on forever. So, DO NOT delay your meditation!"
on sacred geometry : point and circle are same just zoomed out or not, decimals/fractions are eliminated, you are already using a digital computer so why use fractions?
anyways, now to core issue, you draw in 2 dimensions, a circle, and color is calculated based on your proportion of circle - say, among other methods of calculation - and this should simply represent 3rd dimension. "there are no straight lines in nature" but you are already using digital computer with straight edged pixels. So proceed accordingly!

(spontaneous player of the flute)
you don't try and think, you simply find yourself thinking
you don't try and meditate you simply find yourself in meditation
try to escape from thinking and you lay the very foundation for thinking to thrive and reproduce.
there is no seed, there is only the sprouting... related
/interesting_method_of_planting_seedsALL dis-eases are body's attempt at rebalancing/healing/detoxing itself. To suppress these symptoms (through medications, entertainments and distractions) is to prevent proper balancing, cleansing.
The reminder from nature will get increasingly potent (seen as harsh) the more one suppresses the symptoms of dis-ease.
attention is the true currency of the natural (including man-made) world.
this currency has no concept of lack for more of it produced as it is put to use (employed).
`the more you use it, the more "it" produces`
`the more you describe "it", the less you employ it`

(attention and contentment go together)
attention necessitates further attention.
attention is emergent
make sure to not make attention harvesting ritual! related
/ritual_cat- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"One instant of realization is superior to any number of meditative experiences."
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