

viewing version : 1 (latest)
version created 33 days ago by Anonymous
last viewed 1 day ago

1000 kegels a day keep the astral parasites away. Thus is the wisdom that was handed down to me from my father, and to him from his father before him, and so on an so forth, etc etc.

1. Focus on a picture of Taylor Swift. Visualize yourself as Taylor Swift (Love Story era). You are a strong white woman, but still feminine and you still want Romeo to take you somewhere you can be alone. But just Romeo and not anyone else because you don't believe in dating multiple men and then writing songs about them once the relationship is over. Because you don't do shit like that. Because you're not a whore.

2. Then while firmly convinced in your identity as Taylor Swift begin to do kegels. 1000 of them a day.

3. The method: Breathe in deeply with your diaphragm while engaging the kegel. Hold both breath and kegel for 3 seconds. Release all breath and kegel. Hold. (repeat this 1000 times)

Daily practice of this for a year will do wonders for your ability to develop and maintain erections in the astral as Taylor Swift.

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