

viewing version : 5 (latest)
version created 1 day ago by Anonymous
last viewed 2 hours ago

Avoiding grains (rice, wheat, barley, millets, corn) and any mucous forming foods of civilization as a way to live healthy life.
I suppose cooking food must be avoided too.

A good article on bigu https://sensualanimist.com/2012/10/16/taoist-diet-bigu-avoiding-grains/
`In the 2nd cent BC Huainanzi quotes a common saying: “Those who eat cereals are intelligent, but they die early, those who don’t eat them at all are immortal`

related /sungazing

(Mahavira bigu)

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as a means of reducing suffering or eliminating it altogether. start small, but stay diligent.
Milarepa supposedly only ate mountain nettles when in deep meditation in isolated mountain cave.